Hey Chrome & Webflow Users!

The Proovy Chrome extension automatically runs Quality Assurance tests each time you press the „Publish“ button in Webflow. Within a minute or two after publishing your website Proovy brings potential typos, broken links, unintended layout changes and other types of glitches to your attention.

Download Chrome Extension

Early Access

The Proovy Chrome Extension now supports Webflow. Users with a Chrome browser run Proovy's automated QA tests without any manual steps.

Join us on Slack or Reddit. We look forward to your feedback and suggestions.

Proovy at your finger tips

The Chrome extension listens to you pressing the "Publish" button in Webflow. It will automatically run all Proovy tests each time, unless you deactivate it.

The Chrome extension's popup window displays each project's current status and whether items for review have been detected in the last run. It updates live so you can sit back and watch the automated Quality Assurance report come in.

Typos, links and more

Completing quality assurance for websites with frequent updates is laborious when doing it manually. Glitches and mistakes, such as typos, broken links and deleted images, can also slip through the reviews. These don’t just look bad. They cost your support and tech teams time and effort.

Proovy alerts you and your team to changes and lets you review typos, broken links, externally deleted resources and many more. Proovy automates the most laborious tasks in the process.

Before and after screenshots

Proovy takes screenshots of your website after someone or something changes it. Proovy alerts you to the changes and asks you to approve them on the Proovy dashboard — where all of the changes are highlighted, even if it’s just a few pixels.

If you approve the screenshot, it becomes your default image for the next round of changes.

Keep track of changes

Proovy keeps track of the extent and nature of changes you and your team are making to Webflow websites.

Easily go back in time and learn what images, layouts and texts have been changed on your website and why. Prove activity to customers, analyse your team's activity and revisit old versions of your website.